Model run by stephane.hess using Apollo 0.2.9 on R 4.0.5 for Darwin. Model name : CNL_constraint_on_alphas Model description : CNL model with socio-demographics on mode choice SP data, with constraint on alphas Model run at : 2023-05-10 20:21:49 Estimation method : bfgs Model diagnosis : successful convergence Optimisation diagnosis : Maximum found hessian properties : Negative definitive maximum eigenvalue : -6e-05 Number of individuals : 500 Number of rows in database : 7000 Number of modelled outcomes : 7000 Number of cores used : 1 Model without mixing LL(start) : -4830.94 LL at equal shares, LL(0) : -8196.02 LL at observed shares, LL(C) : -6706.94 LL(final) : -4742.25 Rho-squared vs equal shares : 0.4214 Adj.Rho-squared vs equal shares : 0.4188 Rho-squared vs observed shares : 0.2929 Adj.Rho-squared vs observed shares : 0.2903 AIC : 9526.5 BIC : 9670.42 Estimated parameters : 21 Time taken (hh:mm:ss) : 00:03:23.89 pre-estimation : 00:00:0.79 estimation : 00:03:0.96 initial estimation : 00:02:9.16 estimation after rescaling : 00:00:51.8 post-estimation : 00:00:22.14 Iterations : 267 initial estimation : 189 estimation after rescaling : 78 Constrained optimisation: alpha_rail_fastPT + alpha_rail_groundPT = 1 Estimates: Estimate s.e. t.rat.(0) t.rat(1) Rob.s.e. Rob.t.rat.(0) Rob.t.rat.(1) asc_car 0.000000 NA NA NA NA NA NA asc_bus 0.298978 0.445861 0.670563 -1.572287 0.420739 0.7106 -1.666 asc_air -0.646462 0.292127 -2.212948 -5.636118 0.285270 -2.2661 -5.772 asc_rail -1.563634 105.233251 -0.014859 -0.024361 0.356279 -4.3888 -7.196 asc_bus_shift_female 0.273637 0.105277 2.599205 -6.899514 0.111520 2.4537 -6.513 asc_air_shift_female 0.240319 0.076638 3.135767 -9.912562 0.075900 3.1663 -10.009 asc_rail_shift_female 0.178833 0.067296 2.657419 -12.202394 0.067973 2.6309 -12.081 b_tt_car -0.010391 7.1322e-04 -14.569302 -1416.653310 7.0558e-04 -14.7271 -1431.997 b_tt_bus -0.016555 0.001241 -13.337140 -818.975864 0.001199 -13.8089 -847.947 b_tt_air -0.013074 0.001943 -6.729925 -521.505143 0.001956 -6.6836 -517.912 b_tt_rail -0.005460 0.001284 -4.252075 -783.034851 0.001253 -4.3591 -802.744 b_tt_shift_business -0.006010 5.1448e-04 -11.681862 -1955.389302 4.7225e-04 -12.7264 -2130.238 b_access -0.017829 0.001983 -8.991926 -513.321240 0.001894 -9.4112 -537.259 b_cost -0.057587 0.002219 -25.953286 -476.631301 0.002234 -25.7757 -473.370 b_cost_shift_business 0.023261 0.002199 10.577600 -444.163534 0.002050 11.3476 -476.495 cost_income_elast -0.620997 0.030935 -20.074577 -52.400920 0.031202 -19.9023 -51.951 b_no_frills 0.000000 NA NA NA NA NA NA b_wifi 0.774408 0.043847 17.661483 -5.144937 0.043516 17.7958 -5.184 b_food 0.337792 0.038453 8.784484 -17.221130 0.040823 8.2745 -16.221 lambda_fastPT 0.401188 0.037274 10.763225 -16.065131 0.041319 9.7096 -14.492 lambda_groundPT 0.528459 0.043297 12.205335 -10.890735 0.045232 11.6834 -10.425 alpha_rail_fastPT 0.492903 51.869462 0.009503 -0.009776 0.059701 8.2562 -8.494 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.507095 53.363236 0.009503 -0.009237 0.166193 3.0512 -2.966 Structure for CNL model component : car (alpha) bus (alpha) air (alpha) rail (alpha) lambda car nest 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 1.0000 groundPT nest 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.5071 0.5285 fastPT nest 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.4929 0.4012 Overview of choices for CNL model component : car bus air rail Times available 5446.00 6314.00 5264.00 6118.00 Times chosen 1946.00 358.00 1522.00 3174.00 Percentage chosen overall 27.80 5.11 21.74 45.34 Percentage chosen when available 35.73 5.67 28.91 51.88 Classical covariance matrix: asc_bus asc_air asc_rail asc_bus_shift_female asc_bus 0.198792 0.036424 0.030577 -0.005656 asc_air 0.036424 0.085338 0.049318 -0.001679 asc_rail 0.030577 0.049318 1.107e+04 -0.001885 asc_bus_shift_female -0.005656 -0.001679 -0.001885 0.011083 asc_air_shift_female -0.001462 -0.002844 -0.002189 0.003092 asc_rail_shift_female -0.001744 -0.001738 -0.002358 0.003366 b_tt_car 1.0331e-04 1.4072e-04 1.6476e-04 -1.386e-06 b_tt_bus -4.5298e-04 3.323e-05 6.769e-05 -1.852e-06 b_tt_air -2.366e-05 -3.3537e-04 5.688e-05 -9.495e-07 b_tt_rail 1.284e-05 3.190e-06 -2.2229e-04 -1.222e-06 b_tt_shift_business 4.004e-06 9.549e-06 3.266e-05 4.581e-07 b_access -2.014e-05 -2.7134e-04 6.508e-05 4.742e-07 b_cost -3.229e-05 -2.501e-05 1.6195e-04 -1.066e-05 b_cost_shift_business 4.413e-05 -3.684e-05 2.461e-05 1.084e-05 cost_income_elast -6.0892e-04 9.1816e-04 -5.8318e-04 -1.7148e-04 b_wifi 3.6868e-04 -0.001199 -0.004553 8.079e-05 b_food -3.422e-05 -8.6770e-04 -0.002699 9.814e-06 lambda_fastPT 1.665e-05 -6.5427e-04 0.003557 1.0202e-04 lambda_groundPT 4.7258e-04 -4.661e-05 -0.004999 1.5929e-04 alpha_rail_fastPT 4.7986e-04 2.2545e-04 -5458.368240 3.045e-05 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.001305 6.3402e-04 -5615.563499 8.291e-05 asc_air_shift_female asc_rail_shift_female b_tt_car b_tt_bus asc_bus -0.001462 -0.001744 1.0331e-04 -4.5298e-04 asc_air -0.002844 -0.001738 1.4072e-04 3.323e-05 asc_rail -0.002189 -0.002358 1.6476e-04 6.769e-05 asc_bus_shift_female 0.003092 0.003366 -1.386e-06 -1.852e-06 asc_air_shift_female 0.005873 0.003765 -1.047e-06 -1.494e-06 asc_rail_shift_female 0.003765 0.004529 -5.129e-07 -3.160e-07 b_tt_car -1.047e-06 -5.129e-07 5.087e-07 2.034e-07 b_tt_bus -1.494e-06 -3.160e-07 2.034e-07 1.541e-06 b_tt_air -1.807e-06 -9.814e-07 5.111e-08 1.485e-07 b_tt_rail -1.448e-06 2.159e-07 2.485e-08 3.703e-08 b_tt_shift_business -7.692e-07 -3.664e-07 -1.965e-08 -3.777e-08 b_access -1.886e-06 -2.359e-06 6.436e-08 5.946e-08 b_cost -6.843e-06 -3.207e-06 6.136e-07 9.924e-07 b_cost_shift_business 1.491e-06 1.018e-06 -4.208e-07 -7.698e-07 cost_income_elast 1.868e-05 7.311e-06 -5.670e-07 2.473e-06 b_wifi 1.0093e-04 3.347e-05 -8.128e-06 -1.180e-05 b_food 6.104e-05 4.888e-06 -3.659e-06 -4.488e-06 lambda_fastPT 2.316e-05 2.954e-05 -3.955e-06 -6.943e-06 lambda_groundPT 6.984e-05 1.317e-05 -6.392e-06 -1.338e-05 alpha_rail_fastPT 7.995e-05 4.533e-06 -4.337e-06 -4.962e-06 alpha_rail_groundPT 2.2120e-04 1.128e-05 -1.205e-05 -1.369e-05 b_tt_air b_tt_rail b_tt_shift_business b_access asc_bus -2.366e-05 1.284e-05 4.004e-06 -2.014e-05 asc_air -3.3537e-04 3.190e-06 9.549e-06 -2.7134e-04 asc_rail 5.688e-05 -2.2229e-04 3.266e-05 6.508e-05 asc_bus_shift_female -9.495e-07 -1.222e-06 4.581e-07 4.742e-07 asc_air_shift_female -1.807e-06 -1.448e-06 -7.692e-07 -1.886e-06 asc_rail_shift_female -9.814e-07 2.159e-07 -3.664e-07 -2.359e-06 b_tt_car 5.111e-08 2.485e-08 -1.965e-08 6.436e-08 b_tt_bus 1.485e-07 3.703e-08 -3.777e-08 5.946e-08 b_tt_air 3.774e-06 -4.613e-08 -3.011e-08 1.288e-06 b_tt_rail -4.613e-08 1.649e-06 -7.618e-08 -1.708e-07 b_tt_shift_business -3.011e-08 -7.618e-08 2.647e-07 6.041e-08 b_access 1.288e-06 -1.708e-07 6.041e-08 3.932e-06 b_cost 1.131e-06 7.200e-07 -1.958e-07 1.002e-06 b_cost_shift_business -2.912e-07 -5.125e-07 7.255e-07 3.654e-08 cost_income_elast -7.036e-06 -2.594e-06 -5.060e-07 -6.611e-06 b_wifi -1.115e-05 -8.348e-06 -2.181e-06 -1.320e-05 b_food -5.920e-06 -3.363e-06 -1.226e-06 -5.811e-06 lambda_fastPT 4.387e-07 -2.617e-06 4.638e-07 1.228e-06 lambda_groundPT -1.165e-05 -3.865e-06 -1.123e-07 -1.409e-05 alpha_rail_fastPT -1.689e-05 -3.012e-06 -4.707e-06 -2.216e-05 alpha_rail_groundPT -4.702e-05 -8.379e-06 -1.312e-05 -6.171e-05 b_cost b_cost_shift_business cost_income_elast b_wifi asc_bus -3.229e-05 4.413e-05 -6.0892e-04 3.6868e-04 asc_air -2.501e-05 -3.684e-05 9.1816e-04 -0.001199 asc_rail 1.6195e-04 2.461e-05 -5.8318e-04 -0.004553 asc_bus_shift_female -1.066e-05 1.084e-05 -1.7148e-04 8.079e-05 asc_air_shift_female -6.843e-06 1.491e-06 1.868e-05 1.0093e-04 asc_rail_shift_female -3.207e-06 1.018e-06 7.311e-06 3.347e-05 b_tt_car 6.136e-07 -4.208e-07 -5.670e-07 -8.128e-06 b_tt_bus 9.924e-07 -7.698e-07 2.473e-06 -1.180e-05 b_tt_air 1.131e-06 -2.912e-07 -7.036e-06 -1.115e-05 b_tt_rail 7.200e-07 -5.125e-07 -2.594e-06 -8.348e-06 b_tt_shift_business -1.958e-07 7.255e-07 -5.060e-07 -2.181e-06 b_access 1.002e-06 3.654e-08 -6.611e-06 -1.320e-05 b_cost 4.923e-06 -3.197e-06 -1.825e-05 -4.792e-05 b_cost_shift_business -3.197e-06 4.836e-06 9.874e-08 1.558e-05 cost_income_elast -1.825e-05 9.874e-08 9.5694e-04 1.6662e-04 b_wifi -4.792e-05 1.558e-05 1.6662e-04 0.001923 b_food -2.095e-05 4.659e-06 1.1556e-04 0.001002 lambda_fastPT -2.786e-05 2.411e-05 2.527e-05 2.2136e-04 lambda_groundPT -4.289e-05 2.276e-05 -1.5147e-04 5.9449e-04 alpha_rail_fastPT -3.429e-05 -9.066e-06 2.4428e-04 7.7805e-04 alpha_rail_groundPT -9.537e-05 -2.537e-05 6.8042e-04 0.002166 b_food lambda_fastPT lambda_groundPT alpha_rail_fastPT asc_bus -3.422e-05 1.665e-05 4.7258e-04 4.7986e-04 asc_air -8.6770e-04 -6.5427e-04 -4.661e-05 2.2545e-04 asc_rail -0.002699 0.003557 -0.004999 -5458.368240 asc_bus_shift_female 9.814e-06 1.0202e-04 1.5929e-04 3.045e-05 asc_air_shift_female 6.104e-05 2.316e-05 6.984e-05 7.995e-05 asc_rail_shift_female 4.888e-06 2.954e-05 1.317e-05 4.533e-06 b_tt_car -3.659e-06 -3.955e-06 -6.392e-06 -4.337e-06 b_tt_bus -4.488e-06 -6.943e-06 -1.338e-05 -4.962e-06 b_tt_air -5.920e-06 4.387e-07 -1.165e-05 -1.689e-05 b_tt_rail -3.363e-06 -2.617e-06 -3.865e-06 -3.012e-06 b_tt_shift_business -1.226e-06 4.638e-07 -1.123e-07 -4.707e-06 b_access -5.811e-06 1.228e-06 -1.409e-05 -2.216e-05 b_cost -2.095e-05 -2.786e-05 -4.289e-05 -3.429e-05 b_cost_shift_business 4.659e-06 2.411e-05 2.276e-05 -9.066e-06 cost_income_elast 1.1556e-04 2.527e-05 -1.5147e-04 2.4428e-04 b_wifi 0.001002 2.2136e-04 5.9449e-04 7.7805e-04 b_food 0.001479 1.607e-05 2.6307e-04 4.0625e-04 lambda_fastPT 1.607e-05 0.001389 -2.248e-05 -0.001126 lambda_groundPT 2.6307e-04 -2.248e-05 0.001875 0.001073 alpha_rail_fastPT 4.0625e-04 -0.001126 0.001073 2690.441085 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.001131 -0.003138 0.002987 2767.916589 alpha_rail_groundPT asc_bus 0.001305 asc_air 6.3402e-04 asc_rail -5615.563499 asc_bus_shift_female 8.291e-05 asc_air_shift_female 2.2120e-04 asc_rail_shift_female 1.128e-05 b_tt_car -1.205e-05 b_tt_bus -1.369e-05 b_tt_air -4.702e-05 b_tt_rail -8.379e-06 b_tt_shift_business -1.312e-05 b_access -6.171e-05 b_cost -9.537e-05 b_cost_shift_business -2.537e-05 cost_income_elast 6.8042e-04 b_wifi 0.002166 b_food 0.001131 lambda_fastPT -0.003138 lambda_groundPT 0.002987 alpha_rail_fastPT 2767.916589 alpha_rail_groundPT 2847.634959 Robust covariance matrix: asc_bus asc_air asc_rail asc_bus_shift_female asc_bus 0.177021 0.031230 0.027053 -0.004714 asc_air 0.031230 0.081379 0.043840 -9.3250e-04 asc_rail 0.027053 0.043840 0.126935 -0.001271 asc_bus_shift_female -0.004714 -9.3250e-04 -0.001271 0.012437 asc_air_shift_female 8.2536e-04 -0.002310 -0.002529 0.003264 asc_rail_shift_female -7.9093e-04 -0.001148 -7.3550e-04 0.003735 b_tt_car 9.518e-05 1.3598e-04 1.4514e-04 7.576e-07 b_tt_bus -4.0540e-04 4.007e-05 5.971e-05 -3.522e-06 b_tt_air -4.726e-05 -3.2725e-04 6.765e-05 1.019e-05 b_tt_rail 7.480e-08 -1.441e-06 -2.0678e-04 -6.766e-07 b_tt_shift_business 1.095e-05 1.855e-05 4.410e-05 1.043e-06 b_access 5.017e-05 -2.4901e-04 5.519e-05 -1.182e-05 b_cost -4.223e-05 -2.178e-05 1.0548e-04 -1.528e-05 b_cost_shift_business 8.365e-05 -2.633e-05 8.123e-05 1.258e-05 cost_income_elast -0.001381 9.4449e-04 7.0055e-04 1.1573e-04 b_wifi -4.7861e-04 -0.001038 -0.003409 8.756e-07 b_food 5.8141e-04 -6.0374e-04 -0.002512 2.3761e-04 lambda_fastPT -4.4858e-04 -0.001338 0.004006 1.4581e-04 lambda_groundPT 0.001665 0.001166 -0.004985 3.8626e-04 alpha_rail_fastPT 9.5421e-04 0.001271 -0.013256 8.999e-05 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.002628 0.003547 -0.036918 2.4848e-04 asc_air_shift_female asc_rail_shift_female b_tt_car b_tt_bus asc_bus 8.2536e-04 -7.9093e-04 9.518e-05 -4.0540e-04 asc_air -0.002310 -0.001148 1.3598e-04 4.007e-05 asc_rail -0.002529 -7.3550e-04 1.4514e-04 5.971e-05 asc_bus_shift_female 0.003264 0.003735 7.576e-07 -3.522e-06 asc_air_shift_female 0.005761 0.003890 -1.811e-06 -8.256e-06 asc_rail_shift_female 0.003890 0.004620 1.426e-06 -1.060e-06 b_tt_car -1.811e-06 1.426e-06 4.978e-07 2.138e-07 b_tt_bus -8.256e-06 -1.060e-06 2.138e-07 1.437e-06 b_tt_air -1.122e-07 4.975e-06 6.848e-08 2.169e-07 b_tt_rail 4.141e-06 1.797e-06 5.554e-08 1.104e-07 b_tt_shift_business -7.041e-08 5.619e-07 -2.274e-10 -4.112e-08 b_access -4.309e-06 -2.443e-06 6.205e-08 -8.930e-08 b_cost -1.786e-05 -8.248e-06 5.979e-07 1.040e-06 b_cost_shift_business 1.205e-05 1.193e-05 -3.897e-07 -8.526e-07 cost_income_elast 2.5714e-04 1.9379e-04 5.439e-07 5.166e-06 b_wifi -4.205e-05 -8.594e-05 -7.088e-06 -9.068e-06 b_food -1.4095e-04 -9.297e-05 -3.656e-06 -6.568e-06 lambda_fastPT 6.031e-05 2.0247e-04 -4.232e-06 -6.135e-06 lambda_groundPT 5.495e-05 -1.5078e-04 -4.478e-06 -1.616e-05 alpha_rail_fastPT 3.523e-05 -2.2732e-04 -1.362e-06 -4.490e-06 alpha_rail_groundPT 9.571e-05 -6.3482e-04 -3.763e-06 -1.238e-05 b_tt_air b_tt_rail b_tt_shift_business b_access asc_bus -4.726e-05 7.480e-08 1.095e-05 5.017e-05 asc_air -3.2725e-04 -1.441e-06 1.855e-05 -2.4901e-04 asc_rail 6.765e-05 -2.0678e-04 4.410e-05 5.519e-05 asc_bus_shift_female 1.019e-05 -6.766e-07 1.043e-06 -1.182e-05 asc_air_shift_female -1.122e-07 4.141e-06 -7.041e-08 -4.309e-06 asc_rail_shift_female 4.975e-06 1.797e-06 5.619e-07 -2.443e-06 b_tt_car 6.848e-08 5.554e-08 -2.274e-10 6.205e-08 b_tt_bus 2.169e-07 1.104e-07 -4.112e-08 -8.930e-08 b_tt_air 3.826e-06 2.088e-08 -5.610e-08 1.208e-06 b_tt_rail 2.088e-08 1.569e-06 -1.029e-07 -6.282e-08 b_tt_shift_business -5.610e-08 -1.029e-07 2.230e-07 5.355e-08 b_access 1.208e-06 -6.282e-08 5.355e-08 3.589e-06 b_cost 9.779e-07 8.229e-07 -2.039e-07 1.058e-06 b_cost_shift_business -1.559e-07 -7.019e-07 5.480e-07 -1.400e-07 cost_income_elast -5.488e-06 -4.914e-06 -5.178e-07 -3.763e-06 b_wifi -1.130e-05 -9.431e-06 -2.653e-06 -8.951e-06 b_food -9.770e-06 -4.923e-06 -1.299e-06 -4.878e-06 lambda_fastPT 8.460e-06 -4.041e-06 -5.797e-07 4.278e-06 lambda_groundPT -1.534e-05 -1.421e-06 -4.995e-07 -2.055e-05 alpha_rail_fastPT -2.051e-05 -2.441e-06 -5.079e-06 -2.330e-05 alpha_rail_groundPT -5.712e-05 -6.783e-06 -1.415e-05 -6.489e-05 b_cost b_cost_shift_business cost_income_elast b_wifi asc_bus -4.223e-05 8.365e-05 -0.001381 -4.7861e-04 asc_air -2.178e-05 -2.633e-05 9.4449e-04 -0.001038 asc_rail 1.0548e-04 8.123e-05 7.0055e-04 -0.003409 asc_bus_shift_female -1.528e-05 1.258e-05 1.1573e-04 8.756e-07 asc_air_shift_female -1.786e-05 1.205e-05 2.5714e-04 -4.205e-05 asc_rail_shift_female -8.248e-06 1.193e-05 1.9379e-04 -8.594e-05 b_tt_car 5.979e-07 -3.897e-07 5.439e-07 -7.088e-06 b_tt_bus 1.040e-06 -8.526e-07 5.166e-06 -9.068e-06 b_tt_air 9.779e-07 -1.559e-07 -5.488e-06 -1.130e-05 b_tt_rail 8.229e-07 -7.019e-07 -4.914e-06 -9.431e-06 b_tt_shift_business -2.039e-07 5.480e-07 -5.178e-07 -2.653e-06 b_access 1.058e-06 -1.400e-07 -3.763e-06 -8.951e-06 b_cost 4.992e-06 -3.298e-06 -1.718e-05 -4.503e-05 b_cost_shift_business -3.298e-06 4.202e-06 3.873e-08 1.492e-05 cost_income_elast -1.718e-05 3.873e-08 9.7359e-04 1.3038e-04 b_wifi -4.503e-05 1.492e-05 1.3038e-04 0.001894 b_food -2.039e-05 5.316e-06 3.530e-05 0.001055 lambda_fastPT -3.244e-05 2.330e-05 2.1630e-04 2.4139e-04 lambda_groundPT -4.605e-05 2.312e-05 -2.1549e-04 5.4301e-04 alpha_rail_fastPT -2.500e-05 -1.376e-05 4.069e-05 5.9646e-04 alpha_rail_groundPT -6.950e-05 -3.845e-05 1.1333e-04 0.001660 b_food lambda_fastPT lambda_groundPT alpha_rail_fastPT asc_bus 5.8141e-04 -4.4858e-04 0.001665 9.5421e-04 asc_air -6.0374e-04 -0.001338 0.001166 0.001271 asc_rail -0.002512 0.004006 -0.004985 -0.013244 asc_bus_shift_female 2.3761e-04 1.4581e-04 3.8626e-04 8.999e-05 asc_air_shift_female -1.4095e-04 6.031e-05 5.495e-05 3.523e-05 asc_rail_shift_female -9.297e-05 2.0247e-04 -1.5078e-04 -2.2732e-04 b_tt_car -3.656e-06 -4.232e-06 -4.478e-06 -1.362e-06 b_tt_bus -6.568e-06 -6.135e-06 -1.616e-05 -4.490e-06 b_tt_air -9.770e-06 8.460e-06 -1.534e-05 -2.051e-05 b_tt_rail -4.923e-06 -4.041e-06 -1.421e-06 -2.441e-06 b_tt_shift_business -1.299e-06 -5.797e-07 -4.995e-07 -5.079e-06 b_access -4.878e-06 4.278e-06 -2.055e-05 -2.330e-05 b_cost -2.039e-05 -3.244e-05 -4.605e-05 -2.500e-05 b_cost_shift_business 5.316e-06 2.330e-05 2.312e-05 -1.376e-05 cost_income_elast 3.530e-05 2.1630e-04 -2.1549e-04 4.069e-05 b_wifi 0.001055 2.4139e-04 5.4301e-04 5.9646e-04 b_food 0.001667 -5.781e-05 2.8692e-04 4.2576e-04 lambda_fastPT -5.781e-05 0.001707 -8.116e-05 -0.001252 lambda_groundPT 2.8692e-04 -8.116e-05 0.002046 0.001192 alpha_rail_fastPT 4.2576e-04 -0.001252 0.001192 0.003564 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.001185 -0.003490 0.003319 0.009927 alpha_rail_groundPT asc_bus 0.002628 asc_air 0.003547 asc_rail -0.036882 asc_bus_shift_female 2.4848e-04 asc_air_shift_female 9.571e-05 asc_rail_shift_female -6.3482e-04 b_tt_car -3.763e-06 b_tt_bus -1.238e-05 b_tt_air -5.712e-05 b_tt_rail -6.783e-06 b_tt_shift_business -1.415e-05 b_access -6.489e-05 b_cost -6.950e-05 b_cost_shift_business -3.845e-05 cost_income_elast 1.1333e-04 b_wifi 0.001660 b_food 0.001185 lambda_fastPT -0.003490 lambda_groundPT 0.003319 alpha_rail_fastPT 0.009915 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.027620 Classical correlation matrix: asc_bus asc_air asc_rail asc_bus_shift_female asc_bus 1.000000 0.279648 6.5169e-04 -0.120490 asc_air 0.279648 1.000000 0.001604 -0.054587 asc_rail 6.5169e-04 0.001604 1.000000 -1.7018e-04 asc_bus_shift_female -0.120490 -0.054587 -1.7018e-04 1.000000 asc_air_shift_female -0.042781 -0.127018 -2.7137e-04 0.383265 asc_rail_shift_female -0.058118 -0.088412 -3.3294e-04 0.475168 b_tt_car 0.324887 0.675418 0.002195 -0.018463 b_tt_bus -0.818499 0.091637 5.1823e-04 -0.014175 b_tt_air -0.027314 -0.590974 2.7824e-04 -0.004643 b_tt_rail 0.022429 0.008506 -0.001645 -0.009043 b_tt_shift_business 0.017456 0.063534 6.0334e-04 0.008457 b_access -0.022782 -0.468443 3.1188e-04 0.002272 b_cost -0.032641 -0.038581 6.9356e-04 -0.045643 b_cost_shift_business 0.045006 -0.057346 1.0633e-04 0.046836 cost_income_elast -0.044149 0.101602 -1.7915e-04 -0.052655 b_wifi 0.018858 -0.093634 -9.8683e-04 0.017501 b_food -0.001996 -0.077244 -6.6702e-04 0.002424 lambda_fastPT 0.001002 -0.060086 9.0677e-04 0.025998 lambda_groundPT 0.024480 -0.003685 -0.001097 0.034946 alpha_rail_fastPT 2.075e-05 1.488e-05 -0.999996 5.576e-06 alpha_rail_groundPT 5.485e-05 4.067e-05 -0.999996 1.476e-05 asc_air_shift_female asc_rail_shift_female b_tt_car b_tt_bus asc_bus -0.042781 -0.058118 0.324887 -0.818499 asc_air -0.127018 -0.088412 0.675418 0.091637 asc_rail -2.7137e-04 -3.3294e-04 0.002195 5.1823e-04 asc_bus_shift_female 0.383265 0.475168 -0.018463 -0.014175 asc_air_shift_female 1.000000 0.730096 -0.019153 -0.015701 asc_rail_shift_female 0.730096 1.000000 -0.010686 -0.003783 b_tt_car -0.019153 -0.010686 1.000000 0.229755 b_tt_bus -0.015701 -0.003783 0.229755 1.000000 b_tt_air -0.012136 -0.007507 0.036890 0.061569 b_tt_rail -0.014716 0.002499 0.027139 0.023236 b_tt_shift_business -0.019510 -0.010581 -0.053557 -0.059143 b_access -0.012412 -0.017681 0.045513 0.024161 b_cost -0.040241 -0.021476 0.387731 0.360314 b_cost_shift_business 0.008849 0.006876 -0.268281 -0.282023 cost_income_elast 0.007879 0.003512 -0.025700 0.064392 b_wifi 0.030036 0.011342 -0.259896 -0.216772 b_food 0.020713 0.001889 -0.133427 -0.094031 lambda_fastPT 0.008109 0.011777 -0.148776 -0.150076 lambda_groundPT 0.021048 0.004521 -0.207002 -0.248908 alpha_rail_fastPT 2.011e-05 1.299e-06 -1.1723e-04 -7.707e-05 alpha_rail_groundPT 5.409e-05 3.141e-06 -3.1657e-04 -2.0667e-04 b_tt_air b_tt_rail b_tt_shift_business b_access asc_bus -0.027314 0.022429 0.017456 -0.022782 asc_air -0.590974 0.008506 0.063534 -0.468443 asc_rail 2.7824e-04 -0.001645 6.0334e-04 3.1188e-04 asc_bus_shift_female -0.004643 -0.009043 0.008457 0.002272 asc_air_shift_female -0.012136 -0.014716 -0.019510 -0.012412 asc_rail_shift_female -0.007507 0.002499 -0.010581 -0.017681 b_tt_car 0.036890 0.027139 -0.053557 0.045513 b_tt_bus 0.061569 0.023236 -0.059143 0.024161 b_tt_air 1.000000 -0.018493 -0.030125 0.334494 b_tt_rail -0.018493 1.000000 -0.115311 -0.067101 b_tt_shift_business -0.030125 -0.115311 1.000000 0.059220 b_access 0.334494 -0.067101 0.059220 1.000000 b_cost 0.262304 0.252707 -0.171504 0.227834 b_cost_shift_business -0.068160 -0.181488 0.641229 0.008381 cost_income_elast -0.117090 -0.065297 -0.031792 -0.107782 b_wifi -0.130863 -0.148262 -0.096688 -0.151863 b_food -0.079248 -0.068114 -0.061963 -0.076218 lambda_fastPT 0.006059 -0.054677 0.024187 0.016618 lambda_groundPT -0.138547 -0.069514 -0.005041 -0.164130 alpha_rail_fastPT -1.6759e-04 -4.522e-05 -1.7637e-04 -2.1543e-04 alpha_rail_groundPT -4.5360e-04 -1.2229e-04 -4.7783e-04 -5.8321e-04 b_cost b_cost_shift_business cost_income_elast b_wifi asc_bus -0.03264 0.045006 -0.044149 0.01886 asc_air -0.03858 -0.057346 0.101602 -0.09363 asc_rail 6.9356e-04 1.0633e-04 -1.7915e-04 -9.8683e-04 asc_bus_shift_female -0.04564 0.046836 -0.052655 0.01750 asc_air_shift_female -0.04024 0.008849 0.007879 0.03004 asc_rail_shift_female -0.02148 0.006876 0.003512 0.01134 b_tt_car 0.38773 -0.268281 -0.025700 -0.25990 b_tt_bus 0.36031 -0.282023 0.064392 -0.21677 b_tt_air 0.26230 -0.068160 -0.117090 -0.13086 b_tt_rail 0.25271 -0.181488 -0.065297 -0.14826 b_tt_shift_business -0.17150 0.641229 -0.031792 -0.09669 b_access 0.22783 0.008381 -0.107782 -0.15186 b_cost 1.00000 -0.655137 -0.265906 -0.49254 b_cost_shift_business -0.65514 1.000000 0.001451 0.16162 cost_income_elast -0.26591 0.001451 1.000000 0.12284 b_wifi -0.49254 0.161619 0.122837 1.00000 b_food -0.24550 0.055091 0.097144 0.59412 lambda_fastPT -0.33680 0.294172 0.021913 0.13544 lambda_groundPT -0.44647 0.239050 -0.113092 0.31314 alpha_rail_fastPT -2.9795e-04 -7.948e-05 1.5224e-04 3.4210e-04 alpha_rail_groundPT -8.0548e-04 -2.1622e-04 4.1218e-04 9.2567e-04 b_food lambda_fastPT lambda_groundPT alpha_rail_fastPT asc_bus -0.001996 0.001002 0.024480 2.075e-05 asc_air -0.077244 -0.060086 -0.003685 1.488e-05 asc_rail -6.6702e-04 9.0677e-04 -0.001097 -1.000 asc_bus_shift_female 0.002424 0.025998 0.034946 5.576e-06 asc_air_shift_female 0.020713 0.008109 0.021048 2.011e-05 asc_rail_shift_female 0.001889 0.011777 0.004521 1.299e-06 b_tt_car -0.133427 -0.148776 -0.207002 -1.1723e-04 b_tt_bus -0.094031 -0.150076 -0.248908 -7.707e-05 b_tt_air -0.079248 0.006059 -0.138547 -1.6759e-04 b_tt_rail -0.068114 -0.054677 -0.069514 -4.522e-05 b_tt_shift_business -0.061963 0.024187 -0.005041 -1.7637e-04 b_access -0.076218 0.016618 -0.164130 -2.1543e-04 b_cost -0.245499 -0.336797 -0.446473 -2.9795e-04 b_cost_shift_business 0.055091 0.294172 0.239050 -7.948e-05 cost_income_elast 0.097144 0.021913 -0.113092 1.5224e-04 b_wifi 0.594118 0.135438 0.313140 3.4210e-04 b_food 1.000000 0.011212 0.158005 2.0368e-04 lambda_fastPT 0.011212 1.000000 -0.013929 -5.8246e-04 lambda_groundPT 0.158005 -0.013929 1.000000 4.7769e-04 alpha_rail_fastPT 2.0368e-04 -5.8246e-04 4.7769e-04 1.000 alpha_rail_groundPT 5.5126e-04 -0.001578 0.001293 1.000 alpha_rail_groundPT asc_bus 5.485e-05 asc_air 4.067e-05 asc_rail -0.999996 asc_bus_shift_female 1.476e-05 asc_air_shift_female 5.409e-05 asc_rail_shift_female 3.141e-06 b_tt_car -3.1657e-04 b_tt_bus -2.0667e-04 b_tt_air -4.5360e-04 b_tt_rail -1.2229e-04 b_tt_shift_business -4.7783e-04 b_access -5.8321e-04 b_cost -8.0548e-04 b_cost_shift_business -2.1622e-04 cost_income_elast 4.1218e-04 b_wifi 9.2567e-04 b_food 5.5126e-04 lambda_fastPT -0.001578 lambda_groundPT 0.001293 alpha_rail_fastPT 0.999998 alpha_rail_groundPT 1.000000 Robust correlation matrix: asc_bus asc_air asc_rail asc_bus_shift_female asc_bus 1.00000 0.260201 0.18048 -0.100465 asc_air 0.26020 1.000000 0.43134 -0.029312 asc_rail 0.18048 0.431342 1.00000 -0.031996 asc_bus_shift_female -0.10046 -0.029312 -0.03200 1.000000 asc_air_shift_female 0.02585 -0.106682 -0.09354 0.385664 asc_rail_shift_female -0.02766 -0.059199 -0.03037 0.492669 b_tt_car 0.32062 0.675558 0.57736 0.009628 b_tt_bus -0.80373 0.117151 0.13981 -0.026346 b_tt_air -0.05743 -0.586459 0.09707 0.046707 b_tt_rail 1.4194e-04 -0.004033 -0.46337 -0.004844 b_tt_shift_business 0.05509 0.137682 0.26211 0.019802 b_access 0.06295 -0.460757 0.08177 -0.055925 b_cost -0.04493 -0.034171 0.13252 -0.061318 b_cost_shift_business 0.09700 -0.045028 0.11123 0.055010 cost_income_elast -0.10518 0.106110 0.06302 0.033258 b_wifi -0.02614 -0.083607 -0.21988 1.8044e-04 b_food 0.03385 -0.051842 -0.17268 0.052192 lambda_fastPT -0.02580 -0.113524 0.27210 0.031644 lambda_groundPT 0.08751 0.090341 -0.30932 0.076574 alpha_rail_fastPT 0.03799 0.074630 -0.62321 0.013516 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.03759 0.074820 -0.62349 0.013407 asc_air_shift_female asc_rail_shift_female b_tt_car b_tt_bus asc_bus 0.025846 -0.02766 0.320623 -0.80373 asc_air -0.106682 -0.05920 0.675558 0.11715 asc_rail -0.093535 -0.03037 0.577364 0.13981 asc_bus_shift_female 0.385664 0.49267 0.009628 -0.02635 asc_air_shift_female 1.000000 0.75394 -0.033819 -0.09073 asc_rail_shift_female 0.753943 1.00000 0.029741 -0.01301 b_tt_car -0.033819 0.02974 1.000000 0.25274 b_tt_bus -0.090733 -0.01301 0.252737 1.00000 b_tt_air -7.5594e-04 0.03742 0.049617 0.09249 b_tt_rail 0.043554 0.02110 0.062840 0.07350 b_tt_shift_business -0.001964 0.01750 -6.8245e-04 -0.07263 b_access -0.029968 -0.01897 0.046420 -0.03932 b_cost -0.105338 -0.05431 0.379297 0.38844 b_cost_shift_business 0.077473 0.08561 -0.269441 -0.34695 cost_income_elast 0.108579 0.09137 0.024705 0.13810 b_wifi -0.012732 -0.02905 -0.230831 -0.17381 b_food -0.045490 -0.03351 -0.126926 -0.13420 lambda_fastPT 0.019230 0.07209 -0.145145 -0.12385 lambda_groundPT 0.016007 -0.04904 -0.140302 -0.29792 alpha_rail_fastPT 0.007776 -0.05602 -0.032344 -0.06273 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.007588 -0.05620 -0.032093 -0.06213 b_tt_air b_tt_rail b_tt_shift_business b_access asc_bus -0.057430 1.4194e-04 0.055086 0.06295 asc_air -0.586459 -0.004033 0.137682 -0.46076 asc_rail 0.097066 -0.463374 0.262109 0.08177 asc_bus_shift_female 0.046707 -0.004844 0.019802 -0.05593 asc_air_shift_female -7.5594e-04 0.043554 -0.001964 -0.02997 asc_rail_shift_female 0.037420 0.021105 0.017504 -0.01897 b_tt_car 0.049617 0.062840 -6.8245e-04 0.04642 b_tt_bus 0.092488 0.073504 -0.072633 -0.03932 b_tt_air 1.000000 0.008524 -0.060725 0.32599 b_tt_rail 0.008524 1.000000 -0.173990 -0.02647 b_tt_shift_business -0.060725 -0.173990 1.000000 0.05985 b_access 0.325993 -0.026472 0.059852 1.00000 b_cost 0.223777 0.294051 -0.193257 0.24997 b_cost_shift_business -0.038876 -0.273385 0.566066 -0.03605 cost_income_elast -0.089925 -0.125745 -0.035143 -0.06365 b_wifi -0.132752 -0.173031 -0.129074 -0.10858 b_food -0.122346 -0.096283 -0.067374 -0.06308 lambda_fastPT 0.104672 -0.078082 -0.029710 0.05465 lambda_groundPT -0.173399 -0.025079 -0.023384 -0.23987 alpha_rail_fastPT -0.175650 -0.032646 -0.180129 -0.20597 alpha_rail_groundPT -0.175718 -0.032583 -0.180350 -0.20611 b_cost b_cost_shift_business cost_income_elast b_wifi asc_bus -0.04493 0.09700 -0.10518 -0.02614 asc_air -0.03417 -0.04503 0.10611 -0.08361 asc_rail 0.13252 0.11123 0.06302 -0.21988 asc_bus_shift_female -0.06132 0.05501 0.03326 1.8044e-04 asc_air_shift_female -0.10534 0.07747 0.10858 -0.01273 asc_rail_shift_female -0.05431 0.08561 0.09137 -0.02905 b_tt_car 0.37930 -0.26944 0.02470 -0.23083 b_tt_bus 0.38844 -0.34695 0.13810 -0.17381 b_tt_air 0.22378 -0.03888 -0.08993 -0.13275 b_tt_rail 0.29405 -0.27338 -0.12575 -0.17303 b_tt_shift_business -0.19326 0.56607 -0.03514 -0.12907 b_access 0.24997 -0.03605 -0.06365 -0.10858 b_cost 1.00000 -0.72017 -0.24647 -0.46315 b_cost_shift_business -0.72017 1.00000 6.0546e-04 0.16730 cost_income_elast -0.24647 6.0546e-04 1.00000 0.09602 b_wifi -0.46315 0.16730 0.09602 1.00000 b_food -0.22353 0.06353 0.02772 0.59364 lambda_fastPT -0.35137 0.27509 0.16777 0.13425 lambda_groundPT -0.45571 0.24933 -0.15268 0.27587 alpha_rail_fastPT -0.18746 -0.11243 0.02184 0.22959 alpha_rail_groundPT -0.18717 -0.11288 0.02185 0.22958 b_food lambda_fastPT lambda_groundPT alpha_rail_fastPT asc_bus 0.03385 -0.02580 0.08751 0.037988 asc_air -0.05184 -0.11352 0.09034 0.074630 asc_rail -0.17268 0.27210 -0.30932 -0.622674 asc_bus_shift_female 0.05219 0.03164 0.07657 0.013516 asc_air_shift_female -0.04549 0.01923 0.01601 0.007776 asc_rail_shift_female -0.03351 0.07209 -0.04904 -0.056017 b_tt_car -0.12693 -0.14514 -0.14030 -0.032344 b_tt_bus -0.13420 -0.12385 -0.29792 -0.062731 b_tt_air -0.12235 0.10467 -0.17340 -0.175650 b_tt_rail -0.09628 -0.07808 -0.02508 -0.032646 b_tt_shift_business -0.06737 -0.02971 -0.02338 -0.180129 b_access -0.06308 0.05465 -0.23987 -0.205969 b_cost -0.22353 -0.35137 -0.45571 -0.187464 b_cost_shift_business 0.06353 0.27509 0.24933 -0.112428 cost_income_elast 0.02772 0.16777 -0.15268 0.021841 b_wifi 0.59364 0.13425 0.27587 0.229587 b_food 1.00000 -0.03427 0.15538 0.174690 lambda_fastPT -0.03427 1.00000 -0.04342 -0.507654 lambda_groundPT 0.15538 -0.04342 1.00000 0.441387 alpha_rail_fastPT 0.17469 -0.50765 0.44139 1.000000 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.17472 -0.50819 0.44149 1.000554 alpha_rail_groundPT asc_bus 0.037587 asc_air 0.074820 asc_rail -0.622883 asc_bus_shift_female 0.013407 asc_air_shift_female 0.007588 asc_rail_shift_female -0.056195 b_tt_car -0.032093 b_tt_bus -0.062129 b_tt_air -0.175718 b_tt_rail -0.032583 b_tt_shift_business -0.180350 b_access -0.206113 b_cost -0.187172 b_cost_shift_business -0.112879 cost_income_elast 0.021854 b_wifi 0.229583 b_food 0.174720 lambda_fastPT -0.508194 lambda_groundPT 0.441485 alpha_rail_fastPT 0.999350 alpha_rail_groundPT 1.000000 20 worst outliers in terms of lowest average per choice prediction: ID Avg prob per choice 400 0.2057397 464 0.2468193 181 0.2623606 146 0.2670321 317 0.2733120 276 0.2772064 370 0.2807018 447 0.2859797 367 0.2879349 161 0.2892147 59 0.2933235 434 0.2937535 379 0.2970114 307 0.2971936 293 0.2974700 73 0.2975951 186 0.2994404 259 0.2999603 441 0.3017745 467 0.3053897 Changes in parameter estimates from starting values: Initial Estimate Difference asc_car 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 asc_bus 0.286548 0.298978 0.012430 asc_air -0.903342 -0.646462 0.256880 asc_rail -2.092649 -1.563634 0.529015 asc_bus_shift_female 0.340176 0.273637 -0.066539 asc_air_shift_female 0.268177 0.240319 -0.027858 asc_rail_shift_female 0.189615 0.178833 -0.010783 b_tt_car -0.013107 -0.010391 0.002716 b_tt_bus -0.021266 -0.016555 0.004711 b_tt_air -0.016578 -0.013074 0.003504 b_tt_rail -0.007051 -0.005460 0.001591 b_tt_shift_business -0.006234 -0.006010 2.2358e-04 b_access -0.021153 -0.017829 0.003323 b_cost -0.076190 -0.057587 0.018602 b_cost_shift_business 0.033381 0.023261 -0.010120 cost_income_elast -0.613795 -0.620997 -0.007203 b_no_frills 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 b_wifi 1.026713 0.774408 -0.252304 b_food 0.422069 0.337792 -0.084277 lambda_fastPT 1.000000 0.401188 -0.598812 lambda_groundPT 1.000000 0.528459 -0.471541 alpha_rail_fastPT 0.500000 0.492903 -0.007097 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.500000 0.507095 0.007095 Settings and functions used in model definition: apollo_control -------------- Value modelName "CNL_constraint_on_alphas" modelDescr "CNL model with socio-demographics on mode choice SP data, with constraint on alphas" indivID "ID" outputDirectory "output/" debug "FALSE" nCores "1" workInLogs "FALSE" seed "13" mixing "FALSE" HB "FALSE" noValidation "FALSE" noDiagnostics "FALSE" calculateLLC "TRUE" panelData "TRUE" analyticGrad "TRUE" analyticGrad_manualSet "FALSE" overridePanel "FALSE" preventOverridePanel "FALSE" noModification "FALSE" Hessian routines attempted -------------------------- numerical second derivative of LL (using numDeriv) Scaling in estimation --------------------- Value asc_bus 0.298978269 asc_air 0.646461761 asc_rail 1.563634303 asc_bus_shift_female 0.273637419 asc_air_shift_female 0.240319413 asc_rail_shift_female 0.178832575 b_tt_car 0.010391176 b_tt_bus 0.016554740 b_tt_air 0.013073521 b_tt_rail 0.005459899 b_tt_shift_business 0.006010093 b_access 0.017829472 b_cost 0.057587202 b_cost_shift_business 0.023260708 cost_income_elast 0.620997464 b_wifi 0.774408393 b_food 0.337791845 lambda_fastPT 0.401188390 lambda_groundPT 0.528459408 alpha_rail_fastPT 0.492902733 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.507095427 Scaling used in computing Hessian --------------------------------- Value asc_bus 0.298978272 asc_air 0.646461764 asc_rail 1.563634218 asc_bus_shift_female 0.273637419 asc_air_shift_female 0.240319412 asc_rail_shift_female 0.178832575 b_tt_car 0.010391176 b_tt_bus 0.016554740 b_tt_air 0.013073521 b_tt_rail 0.005459899 b_tt_shift_business 0.006010093 b_access 0.017829472 b_cost 0.057587203 b_cost_shift_business 0.023260707 cost_income_elast 0.620997470 b_wifi 0.774408395 b_food 0.337791844 lambda_fastPT 0.401188383 lambda_groundPT 0.528459386 alpha_rail_fastPT 0.492902749 alpha_rail_groundPT 0.507095429 apollo_probabilities ---------------------- function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="estimate"){ ### Attach inputs and detach after function exit apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs) on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)) ### Create list of probabilities P P = list() ### Create alternative specific constants and coefficients using interactions with socio-demographics asc_bus_value = asc_bus + asc_bus_shift_female * female asc_air_value = asc_air + asc_air_shift_female * female asc_rail_value = asc_rail + asc_rail_shift_female * female b_tt_car_value = b_tt_car + b_tt_shift_business * business b_tt_bus_value = b_tt_bus + b_tt_shift_business * business b_tt_air_value = b_tt_air + b_tt_shift_business * business b_tt_rail_value = b_tt_rail + b_tt_shift_business * business b_cost_value = ( b_cost + b_cost_shift_business * business ) * ( income / mean_income ) ^ cost_income_elast ### List of utilities: these must use the same names as in cnl_settings, order is irrelevant V = list() V[["car"]] = asc_car + b_tt_car_value * time_car + b_cost_value * cost_car V[["bus"]] = asc_bus_value + b_tt_bus_value * time_bus + b_access * access_bus + b_cost_value * cost_bus V[["air"]] = asc_air_value + b_tt_air_value * time_air + b_access * access_air + b_cost_value * cost_air + b_no_frills * ( service_air == 1 ) + b_wifi * ( service_air == 2 ) + b_food * ( service_air == 3 ) V[["rail"]] = asc_rail_value + b_tt_rail_value * time_rail + b_access * access_rail + b_cost_value * cost_rail + b_no_frills * ( service_rail == 1 ) + b_wifi * ( service_rail == 2 ) + b_food * ( service_rail == 3 ) ### Specify nests for CNL model cnlNests = list(car=1,groundPT=lambda_groundPT,fastPT=lambda_fastPT) ### Specify tree structure, showing membership in nests (one row per nest, one column per alternative) cnlStructure = matrix(0, nrow=length(cnlNests), ncol=length(V)) cnlStructure[1,] = c( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) # car cnlStructure[2,] = c( 0, 1, 0, alpha_rail_groundPT) # groundPT cnlStructure[3,] = c( 0, 0, 1, alpha_rail_fastPT ) # fastPT ### Define settings for CNL model cnl_settings <- list( alternatives = c(car=1, bus=2, air=3, rail=4), avail = list(car=av_car, bus=av_bus, air=av_air, rail=av_rail), choiceVar = choice, utilities = V, cnlNests = cnlNests, cnlStructure = cnlStructure ) ### Compute probabilities using CNL model P[["model"]] = apollo_cnl(cnl_settings, functionality) ### Take product across observation for same individual P = apollo_panelProd(P, apollo_inputs, functionality) ### Prepare and return outputs of function P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality) return(P) }