Model run by stephane.hess using Apollo 0.3.4 on R 4.4.0 for Darwin. Please acknowledge the use of Apollo by citing Hess & Palma (2019) DOI 10.1016/j.jocm.2019.100170 Model name : EL Model description : Exploded logit model on drug choice data Model run at : 2024-09-27 15:40:51.811893 Estimation method : bgw Model diagnosis : Relative function convergence Optimisation diagnosis : Maximum found hessian properties : Negative definite maximum eigenvalue : -141.222263 reciprocal of condition number : 1.47431e-07 Number of individuals : 1000 Number of rows in database : 10000 Number of modelled outcomes : 10000 Number of cores used : 1 Model without mixing LL(start) : -31780.54 LL at equal shares, LL(0) : -31780.54 LL at observed shares, LL(C) : NA LL(final) : -27152.53 Rho-squared vs equal shares : 0.1456 Adj.Rho-squared vs equal shares : 0.1452 Rho-squared vs observed shares : Not applicable Adj.Rho-squared vs observed shares : Not applicable AIC : 54335.06 BIC : 54443.21 Estimated parameters : 15 Time taken (hh:mm:ss) : 00:00:6.5 pre-estimation : 00:00:0.71 estimation : 00:00:1.15 post-estimation : 00:00:4.64 Iterations : 8 Unconstrained optimisation. Estimates: Estimate s.e. t.rat.(0) Rob.s.e. Rob.t.rat.(0) b_brand_Artemis 0.000000 NA NA NA NA b_brand_Novum -0.285159 0.02477 -11.514 0.02468 -11.554 b_brand_BestValue -0.562462 0.04616 -12.186 0.04792 -11.738 b_brand_Supermarket -0.285311 0.04754 -6.001 0.05232 -5.453 b_brand_PainAway -1.158671 0.04810 -24.091 0.05077 -22.823 b_country_CH 0.585685 0.03206 18.268 0.03154 18.570 b_country_DK 0.283669 0.03045 9.315 0.03043 9.321 b_country_USA 0.000000 NA NA NA NA b_country_IND -0.279738 0.04067 -6.878 0.04195 -6.669 b_country_RUS -0.851886 0.04323 -19.708 0.04277 -19.918 b_country_BRA -0.612791 0.04213 -14.544 0.04312 -14.211 b_char_standard 0.000000 NA NA NA NA b_char_fast 0.708284 0.02285 30.997 0.02259 31.360 b_char_double 1.120313 0.03127 35.828 0.03013 37.180 b_risk -0.001533 4.323e-05 -35.465 4.264e-05 -35.954 b_price -0.703403 0.01504 -46.768 0.01437 -48.944 scale_1 1.000000 NA NA NA NA scale_2 0.760858 0.02051 37.100 0.01991 38.223 scale_3 0.455239 0.01844 24.687 0.01832 24.846 Overview of choices for EL model component, stage 1: alt1 alt2 alt3 alt4 Times available 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 Times chosen 3403.00 3546.00 1517.00 1534.00 Percentage chosen overall 34.03 35.46 15.17 15.34 Percentage chosen when available 34.03 35.46 15.17 15.34 Overview of choices for EL model component, stage 2: alt1 alt2 alt3 alt4 Times available 6597.00 6454.00 8483.00 8466.00 Times chosen 2983.00 2855.00 2106.00 2056.00 Percentage chosen overall 29.83 28.55 21.06 20.56 Percentage chosen when available 45.22 44.24 24.83 24.29 Overview of choices for EL model component, stage 3: alt1 alt2 alt3 alt4 Times available 3614.00 3599.00 6377.00 6410.00 Times chosen 2083.00 2054.00 2895.00 2968.00 Percentage chosen overall 20.83 20.54 28.95 29.68 Percentage chosen when available 57.64 57.07 45.40 46.30 Classical covariance matrix: b_brand_Novum b_brand_BestValue b_brand_Supermarket b_brand_PainAway b_country_CH b_brand_Novum 6.1332e-04 3.2145e-04 3.6402e-04 3.4618e-04 -5.288e-05 b_brand_BestValue 3.2145e-04 0.002130 0.001581 0.001502 4.3465e-04 b_brand_Supermarket 3.6402e-04 0.001581 0.002260 0.001507 4.7111e-04 b_brand_PainAway 3.4618e-04 0.001502 0.001507 0.002313 3.3832e-04 b_country_CH -5.288e-05 4.3465e-04 4.7111e-04 3.3832e-04 0.001028 b_country_DK -4.197e-05 4.1265e-04 4.5278e-04 3.7164e-04 4.7690e-04 b_country_IND -2.465e-05 -7.9547e-04 -8.3113e-04 -7.1205e-04 -5.259e-05 b_country_RUS -9.116e-06 -7.6580e-04 -8.3742e-04 -6.0253e-04 -9.654e-05 b_country_BRA 3.077e-06 -7.2622e-04 -8.7453e-04 -6.6709e-04 -1.1942e-04 b_char_fast -9.086e-06 -7.658e-06 6.077e-05 -1.2453e-04 1.0082e-04 b_char_double 3.312e-05 2.3848e-04 3.1963e-04 9.902e-05 1.2546e-04 b_risk 3.810e-08 -2.729e-07 -4.007e-07 1.125e-07 -1.907e-07 b_price 3.255e-05 2.1139e-04 1.7385e-04 2.9726e-04 -9.112e-05 scale_2 2.770e-05 4.529e-05 -3.288e-05 2.2527e-04 -1.0046e-04 scale_3 1.990e-06 -2.279e-05 -6.806e-05 1.0219e-04 -5.989e-05 b_country_DK b_country_IND b_country_RUS b_country_BRA b_char_fast b_brand_Novum -4.197e-05 -2.465e-05 -9.116e-06 3.077e-06 -9.086e-06 b_brand_BestValue 4.1265e-04 -7.9547e-04 -7.6580e-04 -7.2622e-04 -7.658e-06 b_brand_Supermarket 4.5278e-04 -8.3113e-04 -8.3742e-04 -8.7453e-04 6.077e-05 b_brand_PainAway 3.7164e-04 -7.1205e-04 -6.0253e-04 -6.6709e-04 -1.2453e-04 b_country_CH 4.7690e-04 -5.259e-05 -9.654e-05 -1.1942e-04 1.0082e-04 b_country_DK 9.2729e-04 1.771e-05 -3.264e-05 -5.661e-05 5.980e-05 b_country_IND 1.771e-05 0.001654 8.5260e-04 8.6247e-04 -8.535e-05 b_country_RUS -3.264e-05 8.5260e-04 0.001868 8.9457e-04 -1.5088e-04 b_country_BRA -5.661e-05 8.6247e-04 8.9457e-04 0.001775 -1.1458e-04 b_char_fast 5.980e-05 -8.535e-05 -1.5088e-04 -1.1458e-04 5.2214e-04 b_char_double 4.637e-05 -8.209e-05 -1.6333e-04 -1.4097e-04 3.3295e-04 b_risk -9.640e-08 1.329e-07 3.557e-07 1.948e-07 -2.356e-07 b_price -3.467e-05 4.684e-05 1.0955e-04 1.0067e-04 -9.631e-05 scale_2 -5.211e-05 5.975e-05 2.0239e-04 1.3018e-04 -1.4319e-04 scale_3 -3.247e-05 7.032e-05 1.5076e-04 1.0087e-04 -8.417e-05 b_char_double b_risk b_price scale_2 scale_3 b_brand_Novum 3.312e-05 3.810e-08 3.255e-05 2.770e-05 1.990e-06 b_brand_BestValue 2.3848e-04 -2.729e-07 2.1139e-04 4.529e-05 -2.279e-05 b_brand_Supermarket 3.1963e-04 -4.007e-07 1.7385e-04 -3.288e-05 -6.806e-05 b_brand_PainAway 9.902e-05 1.125e-07 2.9726e-04 2.2527e-04 1.0219e-04 b_country_CH 1.2546e-04 -1.907e-07 -9.112e-05 -1.0046e-04 -5.989e-05 b_country_DK 4.637e-05 -9.640e-08 -3.467e-05 -5.211e-05 -3.247e-05 b_country_IND -8.209e-05 1.329e-07 4.684e-05 5.975e-05 7.032e-05 b_country_RUS -1.6333e-04 3.557e-07 1.0955e-04 2.0239e-04 1.5076e-04 b_country_BRA -1.4097e-04 1.948e-07 1.0067e-04 1.3018e-04 1.0087e-04 b_char_fast 3.3295e-04 -2.356e-07 -9.631e-05 -1.4319e-04 -8.417e-05 b_char_double 9.7775e-04 -2.819e-07 -1.2399e-04 -1.8358e-04 -9.480e-05 b_risk -2.819e-07 1.869e-09 2.204e-07 4.103e-07 3.078e-07 b_price -1.2399e-04 2.204e-07 2.2621e-04 1.2664e-04 6.474e-05 scale_2 -1.8358e-04 4.103e-07 1.2664e-04 4.2059e-04 1.0488e-04 scale_3 -9.480e-05 3.078e-07 6.474e-05 1.0488e-04 3.4006e-04 Robust covariance matrix: b_brand_Novum b_brand_BestValue b_brand_Supermarket b_brand_PainAway b_country_CH b_brand_Novum 6.0912e-04 2.4062e-04 3.0281e-04 2.9482e-04 -1.0778e-04 b_brand_BestValue 2.4062e-04 0.002296 0.001846 0.001728 3.4239e-04 b_brand_Supermarket 3.0281e-04 0.001846 0.002738 0.001833 3.8838e-04 b_brand_PainAway 2.9482e-04 0.001728 0.001833 0.002577 2.8230e-04 b_country_CH -1.0778e-04 3.4239e-04 3.8838e-04 2.8230e-04 9.9472e-04 b_country_DK -4.997e-05 2.9718e-04 3.7601e-04 3.1969e-04 4.5409e-04 b_country_IND 3.094e-05 -7.7592e-04 -8.5059e-04 -6.5323e-04 -4.551e-05 b_country_RUS 4.259e-05 -7.3426e-04 -8.5627e-04 -5.9950e-04 -1.3508e-04 b_country_BRA 7.290e-05 -7.3531e-04 -9.1809e-04 -6.2963e-04 -9.888e-05 b_char_fast -5.567e-05 -2.408e-05 6.458e-05 -1.0369e-04 1.1822e-04 b_char_double -2.982e-05 1.8279e-04 2.9726e-04 4.283e-05 1.0981e-04 b_risk 5.124e-08 -2.730e-07 -4.403e-07 3.460e-08 -1.619e-07 b_price 4.015e-05 1.6914e-04 1.2864e-04 2.5632e-04 -9.148e-05 scale_2 5.029e-05 -1.754e-05 -1.3613e-04 1.4779e-04 -1.2373e-04 scale_3 3.783e-05 -1.617e-05 -4.823e-05 9.148e-05 -6.625e-05 b_country_DK b_country_IND b_country_RUS b_country_BRA b_char_fast b_brand_Novum -4.997e-05 3.094e-05 4.259e-05 7.290e-05 -5.567e-05 b_brand_BestValue 2.9718e-04 -7.7592e-04 -7.3426e-04 -7.3531e-04 -2.408e-05 b_brand_Supermarket 3.7601e-04 -8.5059e-04 -8.5627e-04 -9.1809e-04 6.458e-05 b_brand_PainAway 3.1969e-04 -6.5323e-04 -5.9950e-04 -6.2963e-04 -1.0369e-04 b_country_CH 4.5409e-04 -4.551e-05 -1.3508e-04 -9.888e-05 1.1822e-04 b_country_DK 9.2617e-04 2.089e-05 -1.927e-05 -5.600e-05 5.871e-05 b_country_IND 2.089e-05 0.001759 8.3212e-04 9.4536e-04 -9.460e-05 b_country_RUS -1.927e-05 8.3212e-04 0.001829 9.6153e-04 -1.8633e-04 b_country_BRA -5.600e-05 9.4536e-04 9.6153e-04 0.001860 -1.5093e-04 b_char_fast 5.871e-05 -9.460e-05 -1.8633e-04 -1.5093e-04 5.1012e-04 b_char_double 2.142e-05 -1.2918e-04 -2.1139e-04 -2.0051e-04 3.2273e-04 b_risk -6.583e-08 2.012e-07 3.905e-07 2.407e-07 -2.188e-07 b_price -3.682e-05 6.887e-05 1.4061e-04 1.1575e-04 -9.871e-05 scale_2 -5.683e-05 1.2427e-04 2.2114e-04 1.6614e-04 -1.5110e-04 scale_3 -5.965e-05 5.879e-05 1.4891e-04 1.0220e-04 -1.0196e-04 b_char_double b_risk b_price scale_2 scale_3 b_brand_Novum -2.982e-05 5.124e-08 4.015e-05 5.029e-05 3.783e-05 b_brand_BestValue 1.8279e-04 -2.730e-07 1.6914e-04 -1.754e-05 -1.617e-05 b_brand_Supermarket 2.9726e-04 -4.403e-07 1.2864e-04 -1.3613e-04 -4.823e-05 b_brand_PainAway 4.283e-05 3.460e-08 2.5632e-04 1.4779e-04 9.148e-05 b_country_CH 1.0981e-04 -1.619e-07 -9.148e-05 -1.2373e-04 -6.625e-05 b_country_DK 2.142e-05 -6.583e-08 -3.682e-05 -5.683e-05 -5.965e-05 b_country_IND -1.2918e-04 2.012e-07 6.887e-05 1.2427e-04 5.879e-05 b_country_RUS -2.1139e-04 3.905e-07 1.4061e-04 2.2114e-04 1.4891e-04 b_country_BRA -2.0051e-04 2.407e-07 1.1575e-04 1.6614e-04 1.0220e-04 b_char_fast 3.2273e-04 -2.188e-07 -9.871e-05 -1.5110e-04 -1.0196e-04 b_char_double 9.0793e-04 -2.109e-07 -1.1019e-04 -1.8663e-04 -6.865e-05 b_risk -2.109e-07 1.818e-09 1.941e-07 4.098e-07 3.034e-07 b_price -1.1019e-04 1.941e-07 2.0654e-04 1.2117e-04 6.722e-05 scale_2 -1.8663e-04 4.098e-07 1.2117e-04 3.9624e-04 1.0721e-04 scale_3 -6.865e-05 3.034e-07 6.722e-05 1.0721e-04 3.3571e-04 Classical correlation matrix: b_brand_Novum b_brand_BestValue b_brand_Supermarket b_brand_PainAway b_country_CH b_brand_Novum 1.000000 0.281222 0.30919 0.29064 -0.06660 b_brand_BestValue 0.281222 1.000000 0.72057 0.67653 0.29372 b_brand_Supermarket 0.309189 0.720571 1.00000 0.65919 0.30909 b_brand_PainAway 0.290641 0.676533 0.65919 1.00000 0.21940 b_country_CH -0.066604 0.293720 0.30909 0.21940 1.00000 b_country_DK -0.055656 0.293596 0.31276 0.25375 0.48846 b_country_IND -0.024471 -0.423719 -0.42982 -0.36399 -0.04033 b_country_RUS -0.008516 -0.383835 -0.40751 -0.28982 -0.06966 b_country_BRA 0.002949 -0.373434 -0.43660 -0.32919 -0.08840 b_char_fast -0.016056 -0.007261 0.05594 -0.11331 0.13762 b_char_double 0.042768 0.165239 0.21502 0.06584 0.12514 b_risk 0.035586 -0.136759 -0.19498 0.05413 -0.13756 b_price 0.087396 0.304516 0.24314 0.41094 -0.18897 scale_2 0.054547 0.047849 -0.03372 0.22838 -0.15278 scale_3 0.004358 -0.026771 -0.07763 0.11522 -0.10129 b_country_DK b_country_IND b_country_RUS b_country_BRA b_char_fast b_brand_Novum -0.05566 -0.02447 -0.008516 0.002949 -0.016056 b_brand_BestValue 0.29360 -0.42372 -0.383835 -0.373434 -0.007261 b_brand_Supermarket 0.31276 -0.42982 -0.407507 -0.436596 0.055941 b_brand_PainAway 0.25375 -0.36399 -0.289822 -0.329193 -0.113309 b_country_CH 0.48846 -0.04033 -0.069658 -0.088399 0.137617 b_country_DK 1.00000 0.01430 -0.024795 -0.044122 0.085935 b_country_IND 0.01430 1.00000 0.484932 0.503263 -0.091836 b_country_RUS -0.02479 0.48493 1.000000 0.491175 -0.152750 b_country_BRA -0.04412 0.50326 0.491175 1.000000 -0.119006 b_char_fast 0.08593 -0.09184 -0.152750 -0.119006 1.000000 b_char_double 0.04869 -0.06455 -0.120841 -0.106997 0.465989 b_risk -0.07323 0.07557 0.190341 0.106953 -0.238480 b_price -0.07569 0.07656 0.168499 0.158858 -0.280245 scale_2 -0.08344 0.07163 0.228299 0.150649 -0.305547 scale_3 -0.05782 0.09375 0.189126 0.129819 -0.199746 b_char_double b_risk b_price scale_2 scale_3 b_brand_Novum 0.04277 0.03559 0.08740 0.05455 0.004358 b_brand_BestValue 0.16524 -0.13676 0.30452 0.04785 -0.026771 b_brand_Supermarket 0.21502 -0.19498 0.24314 -0.03372 -0.077632 b_brand_PainAway 0.06584 0.05413 0.41094 0.22838 0.115219 b_country_CH 0.12514 -0.13756 -0.18897 -0.15278 -0.101294 b_country_DK 0.04869 -0.07323 -0.07569 -0.08344 -0.057815 b_country_IND -0.06455 0.07557 0.07656 0.07163 0.093752 b_country_RUS -0.12084 0.19034 0.16850 0.22830 0.189126 b_country_BRA -0.10700 0.10695 0.15886 0.15065 0.129819 b_char_fast 0.46599 -0.23848 -0.28025 -0.30555 -0.199746 b_char_double 1.00000 -0.20859 -0.26365 -0.28627 -0.164412 b_risk -0.20859 1.00000 0.33906 0.46287 0.386183 b_price -0.26365 0.33906 1.00000 0.41057 0.233427 scale_2 -0.28627 0.46287 0.41057 1.00000 0.277326 scale_3 -0.16441 0.38618 0.23343 0.27733 1.000000 Robust correlation matrix: b_brand_Novum b_brand_BestValue b_brand_Supermarket b_brand_PainAway b_country_CH b_brand_Novum 1.00000 0.20346 0.23449 0.23530 -0.13846 b_brand_BestValue 0.20346 1.00000 0.73642 0.71022 0.22656 b_brand_Supermarket 0.23449 0.73642 1.00000 0.69017 0.23535 b_brand_PainAway 0.23530 0.71022 0.69017 1.00000 0.17631 b_country_CH -0.13846 0.22656 0.23535 0.17631 1.00000 b_country_DK -0.06652 0.20379 0.23614 0.20692 0.47309 b_country_IND 0.02989 -0.38604 -0.38756 -0.30676 -0.03440 b_country_RUS 0.04034 -0.35827 -0.38263 -0.27610 -0.10014 b_country_BRA 0.06850 -0.35586 -0.40690 -0.28761 -0.07270 b_char_fast -0.09987 -0.02225 0.05464 -0.09043 0.16596 b_char_double -0.04010 0.12660 0.18855 0.02800 0.11555 b_risk 0.04869 -0.13361 -0.19736 0.01599 -0.12037 b_price 0.11320 0.24560 0.17107 0.35131 -0.20182 scale_2 0.10237 -0.01839 -0.13070 0.14624 -0.19708 scale_3 0.08366 -0.01842 -0.05030 0.09835 -0.11464 b_country_DK b_country_IND b_country_RUS b_country_BRA b_char_fast b_brand_Novum -0.06652 0.02989 0.04034 0.06850 -0.09987 b_brand_BestValue 0.20379 -0.38604 -0.35827 -0.35586 -0.02225 b_brand_Supermarket 0.23614 -0.38756 -0.38263 -0.40690 0.05464 b_brand_PainAway 0.20692 -0.30676 -0.27610 -0.28761 -0.09043 b_country_CH 0.47309 -0.03440 -0.10014 -0.07270 0.16596 b_country_DK 1.00000 0.01637 -0.01480 -0.04268 0.08541 b_country_IND 0.01637 1.00000 0.46384 0.52266 -0.09986 b_country_RUS -0.01480 0.46384 1.00000 0.52134 -0.19289 b_country_BRA -0.04268 0.52266 0.52134 1.00000 -0.15497 b_char_fast 0.08541 -0.09986 -0.19289 -0.15497 1.00000 b_char_double 0.02336 -0.10221 -0.16403 -0.15431 0.47421 b_risk -0.05073 0.11248 0.21411 0.13090 -0.22719 b_price -0.08419 0.11425 0.22875 0.18677 -0.30410 scale_2 -0.09382 0.14884 0.25975 0.19355 -0.33607 scale_3 -0.10697 0.07650 0.19002 0.12935 -0.24638 b_char_double b_risk b_price scale_2 scale_3 b_brand_Novum -0.04010 0.04869 0.11320 0.10237 0.08366 b_brand_BestValue 0.12660 -0.13361 0.24560 -0.01839 -0.01842 b_brand_Supermarket 0.18855 -0.19736 0.17107 -0.13070 -0.05030 b_brand_PainAway 0.02800 0.01599 0.35131 0.14624 0.09835 b_country_CH 0.11555 -0.12037 -0.20182 -0.19708 -0.11464 b_country_DK 0.02336 -0.05073 -0.08419 -0.09382 -0.10697 b_country_IND -0.10221 0.11248 0.11425 0.14884 0.07650 b_country_RUS -0.16403 0.21411 0.22875 0.25975 0.19002 b_country_BRA -0.15431 0.13090 0.18677 0.19355 0.12935 b_char_fast 0.47421 -0.22719 -0.30410 -0.33607 -0.24638 b_char_double 1.00000 -0.16418 -0.25446 -0.31115 -0.12434 b_risk -0.16418 1.00000 0.31681 0.48286 0.38837 b_price -0.25446 0.31681 1.00000 0.42357 0.25529 scale_2 -0.31115 0.48286 0.42357 1.00000 0.29394 scale_3 -0.12434 0.38837 0.25529 0.29394 1.00000 20 most extreme outliers in terms of lowest average per choice prediction: ID Avg prob per choice 875 0.01871662 367 0.02301821 859 0.02474799 593 0.02482774 678 0.02796633 1000 0.02836724 70 0.02958425 933 0.02988567 947 0.03009578 524 0.03026856 565 0.03048177 472 0.03059205 832 0.03062665 969 0.03108968 240 0.03131156 8 0.03162662 705 0.03182871 605 0.03232625 144 0.03275949 288 0.03282666 Changes in parameter estimates from starting values: Initial Estimate Difference b_brand_Artemis 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 b_brand_Novum 0.000 -0.285159 -0.285159 b_brand_BestValue 0.000 -0.562462 -0.562462 b_brand_Supermarket 0.000 -0.285311 -0.285311 b_brand_PainAway 0.000 -1.158671 -1.158671 b_country_CH 0.000 0.585685 0.585685 b_country_DK 0.000 0.283669 0.283669 b_country_USA 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 b_country_IND 0.000 -0.279738 -0.279738 b_country_RUS 0.000 -0.851886 -0.851886 b_country_BRA 0.000 -0.612791 -0.612791 b_char_standard 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 b_char_fast 0.000 0.708284 0.708284 b_char_double 0.000 1.120313 1.120313 b_risk 0.000 -0.001533 -0.001533 b_price 0.000 -0.703403 -0.703403 scale_1 1.000 1.000000 0.000000 scale_2 1.000 0.760858 -0.239142 scale_3 1.000 0.455239 -0.544761 Settings and functions used in model definition: apollo_control -------------- Value modelName "EL" modelDescr "Exploded logit model on drug choice data" indivID "ID" outputDirectory "output/" debug "FALSE" nCores "1" workInLogs "FALSE" seed "13" mixing "FALSE" HB "FALSE" noValidation "FALSE" noDiagnostics "FALSE" calculateLLC "TRUE" analyticHessian "FALSE" memorySaver "FALSE" panelData "TRUE" analyticGrad "TRUE" analyticGrad_manualSet "FALSE" overridePanel "FALSE" preventOverridePanel "FALSE" noModification "FALSE" Hessian routines attempted -------------------------- numerical second derivative of LL (using numDeriv) Scaling used in computing Hessian --------------------------------- Value b_brand_Novum 0.285159056 b_brand_BestValue 0.562462145 b_brand_Supermarket 0.285310823 b_brand_PainAway 1.158670747 b_country_CH 0.585684613 b_country_DK 0.283668920 b_country_IND 0.279737783 b_country_RUS 0.851886048 b_country_BRA 0.612791420 b_char_fast 0.708283630 b_char_double 1.120312893 b_risk 0.001533091 b_price 0.703403028 scale_2 0.760857633 scale_3 0.455239363 apollo_probabilities ---------------------- function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="estimate"){ ### Attach inputs and detach after function exit apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs) on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)) ### Create list of probabilities P P = list() ### List of utilities: these must use the same names as in el_settings, order is irrelevant V = list() V[["alt1"]] = ( b_brand_Artemis*(brand_1=="Artemis") + b_brand_Novum*(brand_1=="Novum") + b_country_CH*(country_1=="Switzerland") + b_country_DK*(country_1=="Denmark") + b_country_USA*(country_1=="USA") + b_char_standard*(char_1=="standard") + b_char_fast*(char_1=="fast acting") + b_char_double*(char_1=="double strength") + b_risk*side_effects_1 + b_price*price_1) V[["alt2"]] = ( b_brand_Artemis*(brand_2=="Artemis") + b_brand_Novum*(brand_2=="Novum") + b_country_CH*(country_2=="Switzerland") + b_country_DK*(country_2=="Denmark") + b_country_USA*(country_2=="USA") + b_char_standard*(char_2=="standard") + b_char_fast*(char_2=="fast acting") + b_char_double*(char_2=="double strength") + b_risk*side_effects_2 + b_price*price_2) V[["alt3"]] = ( b_brand_BestValue*(brand_3=="BestValue") + b_brand_Supermarket*(brand_3=="Supermarket") + b_brand_PainAway*(brand_3=="PainAway") + b_country_USA*(country_3=="USA") + b_country_IND*(country_3=="India") + b_country_RUS*(country_3=="Russia") + b_country_BRA*(country_3=="Brazil") + b_char_standard*(char_3=="standard") + b_char_fast*(char_3=="fast acting") + b_risk*side_effects_3 + b_price*price_3 ) V[["alt4"]] = ( b_brand_BestValue*(brand_4=="BestValue") + b_brand_Supermarket*(brand_4=="Supermarket") + b_brand_PainAway*(brand_4=="PainAway") + b_country_USA*(country_4=="USA") + b_country_IND*(country_4=="India") + b_country_RUS*(country_4=="Russia") + b_country_BRA*(country_4=="Brazil") + b_char_standard*(char_4=="standard") + b_char_fast*(char_4=="fast acting") + b_risk*side_effects_4 + b_price*price_4 ) ### Define settings for exploded logit el_settings = list( alternatives = c(alt1=1, alt2=2, alt3=3, alt4=4), avail = list(alt1=1, alt2=1, alt3=1, alt4=1), choiceVars = list(best, second_pref, third_pref), utilities = V, scales = list(scale_1,scale_2,scale_3) ) ### Compute exploded logit probabilities P[["model"]]=apollo_el(el_settings, functionality) ### Take product across observation for same individual P = apollo_panelProd(P, apollo_inputs, functionality) ### Prepare and return outputs of function P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality) return(P) }