This page contains a number of examples using Apollo and associated datafiles, along with the results produced in a text file by Apollo. These examples are for the latest full release version of Apollo. Detailed descriptions for the examples are given in the manual and in the academic paper.

Model Description Data
Family Name Script Output Name Database Dictionary
MNL MNL_RP .r .txt Simple MNL model on mode choice RP data Mode choice .csv .pdf
MNL_SP .r .txt Simple MNL model on mode choice SP data Mode choice .csv .pdf
MNL_SP_effects .r .txt Simple MNL model on mode choice SP data using effects coding Mode choice .csv .pdf
MNL_SP_WTP_space .r .txt Simple MNL model on mode choice SP data in WTP space Mode choice .csv .pdf
MNL_SP_covariates .r .txt MNL model with socio-demographics on mode choice SP data Mode choice .csv .pdf
MNL_RP_SP .r .txt RP-SP model on mode choice data Mode choice .csv .pdf
MNL_iterative_coding .r .txt MNL model using iterative coding for alternatives and attributes Synthetic n/a n/a
GEV NL_two_levels .r .txt Two-level NL model with socio-demographics on mode choice SP data Mode choice .csv .pdf
NL_two_levels_constraints_on_lambda .r .txt Two-level NL model with socio-demographics on mode choice SP data, with constraint on lambda Mode choice .csv .pdf
NL_three_levels .r .txt Three-level NL model with socio-demographics on mode choice SP data Mode choice .csv .pdf
NL_three_levels_constraints_on_lambdas .r .txt Three-level NL model with socio-demographics on mode choice SP data, with constraints on lambdas Mode choice .csv .pdf
CNL .r .txt CNL model with socio-demographics on mode choice SP data Mode choice .csv .pdf
CNL_constraint_on_alphas .r .txt CNL model with socio-demographics on mode choice SP data, with constraint on alphas Mode choice .csv .pdf
CNL_logistic_transform_for_alphas .r .txt CNL model with socio-demographics on mode choice SP data, using logistic transform to ensure alphas meet constraints Mode choice .csv .pdf
Non-RUM RRM .r .txt Simple RRM model on mode choice SP data Mode choice .csv .pdf
DFT_route_choice .r .txt DFT model on Swiss route choice SP data Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
DFT_mode_choice .r .txt DFT model on mode choice SP data Mode choice .csv .pdf
And rating
EL .r .txt Exploded logit model on drug choice data Drug choice .csv .pdf
BW_EL .r .txt Best-worst logit model on drug choice data, using exploded logit function Drug choice .csv .pdf
BW_joint_model .r .txt Best-worst logit model on drug choice data (coded as two stages) Drug choice .csv .pdf
BW_joint_model_diff_params .r .txt Best-worst logit model on drug choice data, using different parameters for best and worse choices Drug choices .csv .pdf
BW_simultaneous .r .txt Best-worst model on drug choice data, simultaneous choice Drug choices .csv .pdf
OL .r .txt Ordered logit model fitted to attitudinal question in drug choice data Drug choice .csv .pdf
OP .r .txt Ordered probit model fitted to attitudinal question in drug choice data Drug choice .csv .pdf
normal_density .r .txt Normal density function fitted to attitudinal question in drug choice data Drug choice .csv .pdf
FMNL .r .txt Fractional logit (FMNL) model on time use data Time use .csv .pdf
MDCEV_no_outside_good .r .txt MDCEV model on time use data, alpha-gamma profile, no outside good and constants only in utilities Time use .csv .pdf
MDCEV_with_outside_good .r .txt MDCEV model on time use data, alpha-gamma profile with outside good and socio-demographics Time use .csv .pdf
MDCNEV .r .txt MDCNEV model on time use data, alpha-gamma profile with outside good and socio-demographics Time use .csv .pdf
eMDC_with_budget .r .txt Extended MDC with complementarity and substitution, with observed budget and socio-demographics Time use .csv .pdf
eMDC_without_budget .r .txt Extended MDC with complementarity and substitution, with unobserved budget and socio-demographics Time use .csv .pdf
MMNL_preference_space .r .txt Mixed logit model on Swiss route choice data, uncorrelated Lognormals in preference space Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
MMNL_preference_space_correlated .r .txt Mixed logit model on Swiss route choice data, correlated Lognormals in utility space Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
MMNL_wtp_space_inter_intra .r .txt Mixed logit model on Swiss route choice data, WTP space with correlated and flexible distributions, inter and intra-individual heterogeneity Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
ECL_preference_space_heteroskedasticity .r .txt Error components logit model on Swiss route choice data, uncorrelated Lognormals in preference space, with heteroskedasticity term Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
ECL_preference_space_panel_effect .r .txt Error components logit model on Swiss route choice data, uncorrelated Lognormals in preference space, with panel effect term Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
DM .r .txt Simple DM model on Swiss route choice data Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
LC_no_covariates .r .txt Simple LC model on Swiss route choice data, no covariates in class allocation model Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
LC_with_covariates .r .txt LC model with covariates in class allocation model on Swiss route choice data Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
LC_MMNL .r .txt Latent class with continuous random parameters on Swiss route choice data Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
Mixed_MDCEV .r .txt Mixed MDCEV model on time use data, alpha-gamma profile, no outside good and random constants only in utilities Time use .csv .pdf
Hybrid_with_continuous_measurement .r .txt Hybrid choice model on drug choice data, using continuous measurement model for indicators Drug choice .csv .pdf
Hybrid_with_OL .r .txt Hybrid choice model on drug choice data, using ordered measurement model for indicators Drug choice .csv .pdf
Hybrid_with_OL_bugged_example .r n/a Hybrid choice model on drug choice data, using ordered measurement model for indicators - with bug for debugging Drug choice .csv .pdf
Hybrid_with_OL_and_MMNL .r .txt Hybrid choice model on drug choice data, classical estimation Drug choice .csv .pdf
Hybrid_LC_with_OL .r .txt Hybrid latent class choice model on drug choice data, using ordered measurement model for indicators Drug choice .csv .pdf
HB_MMNL .r .txt HB model on mode choice SP data Mode choice .csv .pdf
Hybrid_with_OL_and_MMNL_bayesian .r .txt Hybrid choice model on drug choice data, bayesian estimation Drug choice .csv .pdf
EM_MMNL .r .txt Mixed logit model on Swiss route choice data, correlated Lognormals in utility space, EM algorithm Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
EM_LC_no_covariates .r .txt LC model with class allocation model on Swiss route choice data, EM algorithm Swiss route choice .csv .pdf
EM_LC_with_covariates .r .txt LC model with class allocation model on Swiss route choice data, EM algorithm Swiss route choice .csv .pdf